About Nogdawindamin


Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services will assist the communities in their responsibility to strengthen families
and communities for the safety and well-being of children by providing community based services grounded in Anishnawbek values.


Each of us has been given life and individual gifts, by the Creator. In having been endowed with gifts, it is the natural responsibility and therefore the right of human beings to realize and develop their gifts, and in doing so, honour the Creator.

The family is irreplaceable. No child welfare program or agency can meet our children’s needs for love, acceptance, directions, encouragement and trust better than those children’s families. The family is the sacred trust of the Creator, providing the necessary and rightful environment of nurturance and guidance.

The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of the individual is dependent on that same good health of the family unit. The family unit’s good health is dependent good health of the community. Therefore, in assisting any one individual to achieve improved or enhanced well-being, that individual’s family and community must be simultaneously supported and assisted.

Family generations and community are important to every individual in establishing and enhancing both a sense of individuality and a sense of belonging – integral elements to a positive self-image, self-respect, hope and motivation. Our families and communities can raise their children, given appropriate, adequate and accessible support and/or intervention.
Families and communities must be supported by services deemed necessary.

Our families and communities have the right to direct the development of those resources deemed necessary to assist them in their family roles. Our families and communities have the right to direct the development of their children, and themselves, in accordance with cultural values and traditions.

Relationship Statements

Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services embraces the fundamental philosophy of valuing relationships built on the foundations of good governance practices by:

  • Fostering and maintain positive and collaborative relationships by engaging our families and extended families in all aspects of service delivery
  • Maintaining cohesive relationships with First Nation leadership
  • Providing services that reflect the principles of strong partnership among Anishnawbek
  • Building models of collaboration with existing community services
  • Consulting the communities in a comprehensive and meaningful process to ensure their input is respected in service design and delivery
  • Developing working relationships with external partners to achieve our Agency goals