
In-person visits

What to expect?


Prior to family contact, your worker will obtain personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies for themselves, and all individual service users perceived to be present at the family contact.

Upon making direct contact with the family, prior to entering the residence, your worker will:

  1. Ensure that all service users compete a self-assessment tool
  2. Provide PPE equipment
  3. Review with the family how to properly don PPE equipment  
  4. Review physical distancing guidelines with the family

During family contact, your worker is recommended to ensure compliance with PPE and physical distancing guidelines wherever possible, for example:

  1. When relaying forms, the employee will minimize contact  by placing items on a clean, sanitized surface.
  2. Your worker will discard PPE once the family contact is completed
  3. Your worker will follow First Nation protocols when entering any of the communities