Youth Prevention Services

Mino Madzwin 

Since 2008, Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services has been offering a diversion program to Aboriginal youth through the Mino Madzwin Youth Justice Program.  Recognized as an alternative measures program under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, Mino Madzwin is a culturally sensitive program developed for First Nations youth ages twelve (12) to eighteen (18) years old, who are involved in the criminal justice system. The Mino Madzwin Program blends culturally appropriate lessons and best-practice intervention techniques ideal for extra-judicial sanctions and measures. 

Anishnawbek youth who have found themselves involved in the Youth Criminal Justice System are eligible to complete extra-judicial sanctions via the Agency’s Mino Madzwin Youth Justice Program.  Youth involved in the program have, at the time of offence, been charged and are currently on probation, conditional supervision, or community supervision.  Successful completion of the Mino Madzwin Youth Justice Program, youth will fulfill the required sanctions meant to promote appropriate rehabilitation and reintegration into communities and their charges may be dropped.  

Youth in Transition / Housing Support Worker 

The Youth in Transition (with Housing Support) Program offers a wide variety of services to youth who are aging out of care.  Youth involved in this Program work one-on-one with the Youth in Transition Workers to assist in connecting with existing supports and resources in the community necessary for a successful transition from care into independent living:  housing, education, employment services & training, development of life skills (e.g. financial management and budgeting, shopping, etc.) legal services, healthy relationship education, cultural, etc.  The Youth in Transition Workers will help youth to identify goals, access and navigate adult service systems relevant to their needs.  

Within the Youth in Transition Program, includes Housing Support Services which are available to youth aging out of care.  The development of this Program came from the Agency’s response to the changes in legislation which saw an increase in the age of protection to include all children and youth under the age of eighteen (18).  Youth seeking Housing Support Services with the Agency must have a signed Voluntary Youth Services Agreement (VYSA).  Housing Support Services are available to youth (in an out of home placement) who are either sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years old and wanting to move from placement homes to independent living. 

Education Liaison 

The Education Liaison Program offers support in five (5) core areas: system navigation, file review, transitioning, advocacy and attendance.  These areas have been identified as those where supports can be provided to improve the educational outcomes for children and youth in out of home placements.  The role of the Education Liaison Worker acts as a navigator within the school system and help to resolve issues that impact student learning (i.e. transitions between schools, suspensions, special education). Workers also facilitate educational supports and resources in the school system/community by providing information and referrals to our clients that addresses their individual needs and reinforces their strengths (i.e. specialized education services, tutoring supports, mentoring resources, and training and/or skills development opportunities). 

Service Eligibility 

  • Mino Madwin Program-Anishnawbek youth between the ages of 12 to 18 years, who, at the time of offence, have been found guilty and are currently on probation, conditional supervision or community supervision. 
  • Youth must be a member of the North Shore First Nations, living on or off Reserve.  
  • Youth in Transition/Housing Support Program- Youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who are members of the North Shore First Nations and living within the Nogdawindamin jurisdiction.  
  • Youth must be aging out of care. 
  • Housing Support-Youth must have a signed Voluntary Youth Services Agreement (VYSA).   
  • Housing Support Services are available to youth (in an out of home placements) who are either sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years old and wanting to move from placement homes to independent living. 
  • Education Support- Children and youth in care, subject to the following legal status and/or legal agreement:  TCA, Temporary Care and Custody, Child in Interim Society Care, Child in Extended Society Care, Stay Home for School Agreement, Renewed Youth Support, CCA, VYSA, and Adoption Consent 
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Assist youth to identify, develop and implement a personal plan based on their goals for personal independence.  Resources and supports may include: Life Skills, Housing, Educational Planning, Employment Training and Resume Development, Job Readiness Workshops, and Cultural Programs that support individual wellness 

A wellness plan is an action plan to support your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Personal wellness plans are exactly what they sound like; they’re personalized plans to help you maintain health and wellbeing. There are many dimensions to personal wellness, and each must be nurtured, developed, and maintained for optimal overall well-being. 

The Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent (OCBE) Savings Program is an individualized savings account that youth are able to collect when they meet eligibility criteria. The Savings Program is provided by the Government of Ontario to help youth develop financial skills and to set them up for independent living. The funds are to assist with higher education achievement, higher resiliency, social skills, relationship development and a smoother transition into adulthood.