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Alternative Care - Genawenman Binojiuk

Mission Statement  

Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services will assist the communities in their responsibility to strengthen families and communities for the safety and well-being of children by providing community-based services grounded in Anishnawbek values.  

We are committed to… 

- Ensuring that services support the best interests of an Anishnawbek child. 

- Promoting the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental well-being of our Anishnawbek children, families and communities. 

- Providing our families with community-based services. 

- Providing our families with strength-based services. 

- Providing our families and communities with services in a timely manner. 

- Ensuring that our children remain in the circle of family, community or Nation Valuing cultural diversity and beliefs. 

- Ensuring Anishnawbek families and communities receive services from people grounded in the seven sacred teachings. 

-Ensuring that language is woven into service practice. 

Program Description  

The goal of Alternative Care is to work with the Nogdawindamin team to help the child and family reunite. In Anishnawbek tradition, it has been the duty of aunties, uncles, grandparents, sisters and brothers to assist as temporary care givers. This can be for a short while or for a long while. With the demands of modern lifestyles, however, this role has broadened to include other community members, non-Indigenous families, and in some cases, households outside of the community. In all types of alternative care arrangements, however, the priority is the safety, care and nurturing of the child.